Monday, August 30, 2010

Connor is 5 Months Old!

Today Connor is 5 month old!!!!!

Connor is really such a good baby...we can't complain at all!
He is rolling over like crazy now and loves to be on his tummy!
He likes to hold rattles and of course put them right into his month.
Lately, every time we try to put him on his back, he tries to pull himself up and can't, so he gets frustrated.

Connor is wearing size 9 month clothing. He is drinking between 5-5.5 oz of formula every 4-4.5 hours. In the next 2 weeks or so we will be starting rice cereal. I can't believe he's going to start solids soon!

Connor also continues to sleep through the night. He is in his crib before 9PM and wakes up between 630AM-7AM. Most of the time Evan is up before him!

He still loves his swing, floor mat and bouncy chair. BUT is still not a fan of naps and car rides.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I can't believe he's already 5 months old...that makes me sad :'( he's growing up too fast!!!

I love you all. Give my babies kisses for me!