Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2, 4, 6, 8!!!!!

Connor is 8 months old!!!!

Connor has been crawling since the beginning of the month and he can also sit up now. He prefers being on his tummy to anything though. Just like his big brother Evan, Connor doesn't like to sit still.
He is the happiest little guy...he's always smiling (just like Mommy) at something. He is also starting to notice and take a liking to wires, cords and laptops...just like Daddy!
He loves to eat and his favorites are turkey, squash, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples and pears.
He has started drinking juice too. He doesn't like puffs at all.
Just this past week, he started getting in his 2 bottom teeth...I'm going to miss that "gummy smile"!
Connor still doesn't like to sleep :( I am lucky to get one nap out of him during the day and he usually wakes up once during the night.
His favorite toys are usually what ever Evan is playing with...cars, trucks and trains.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thank you!

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the Thanksgiving Day Cards!

We love you,
Evan and Connor

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Connor's First Haircut...Well Sort Of

I am very thankful for the fact that I was blessed with 2 very handsome, healthy boys.
However, they both seem to have ended up having "CRAZY" hair!!
Both Evan and Connor have hair that is always all over the place.
With our "first family of 4" family Christmas pictures this weekend...I needed to get the boys' hair tamed.

On Sunday, we took Evan to get his haircut. This time I had Dave join us to get the "full experience" :)
Evan actually did a little better then the last time, but was defiantly an "eye-opener" for Dave.
Evan started to cry and say "ouch" before the hairdresser was even near him. But the funniest part of it, is after we came home...for the rest of the day Evan kept asking Dave and I to put more baby powder on the back of his neck...just like the hairdresser did.

Last night, I decided that we had to do something with the sides of Connor's hair! His hair is really short in the back, but really long on the top and sides. His side pieces were getting so long that I was actually tucking them behind his ears!
So....I decided to just trim the sides myself and not take him to an actual "hair place" until he's a little older.
Dave and I ended up taking turns cutting it and of course, Big Brother Evan had to get involved too.

Monday, November 22, 2010

A Great Giveaway!

Wanna win an amazing piece of artwork?

Check out the above link to enter!

Even though I have never met Megan (my friend Jen's sister) personally, I know that she is one talented artist!
Her artwork is so unique and amazing!
 I hope that I am lucky enough to win one :)

Car Seat Switch

On Thursday night we did something that I have been SOOOOOOO dreading!
We finally put Connor in a new car seat...no more infant carrier :(
It's bittersweet...I'm happy that Connor is growing and getting bigger, but he's not a little baby anymore.

So, for our first car ride in the new car seat, we went to Target.
Of course it was a cold Rochester evening, so we had to bundle up...
No more infant carrier also switched things up a bit with our normal shopping cart arrangement.
Connor now has to sit in the cart seat, but he was LOVING it!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Our Little Coupon Clipper...

Hey...you gotta teach the bargain shopping early :)

This is what Connor thinks of coupons...
(the kid has some crazy hair!)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Let It Snow...

So Dave can use his new snow blower.

Thanks again!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

See This 7 Month Old Baby?...

He is crawling!!!!
Connor started crawling on Thursday, November 4th.
Can you believe it?!??!

Friday, November 12, 2010

My Boys...

The picture quality isn't the best and Evan is just waking up from a nap, but I love it :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Same Shirt, Different Look


Evan and Connor...so alike, yet so different...one thing is for sure, they both "Will Cry For Food"!

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm Floored!

A few weeks ago, we did something that we have been wanting to do for sometime...
put new floor in the downstairs bathroom!
The floor we had was so old and dirty looking. Now it feels like a whole new bathroom :)
Dave's dad and Uncle helped us out with the project.



Saturday, November 6, 2010

Do you want fries with that?

Here is Evan on Halloween!

Evan was dressed as a Cheeseburger, which he proudly pronounces "amburger".
It makes me smile every time that he says it.
This was his first year of doing real "trick or treating" and he did great!!
After the first house, he really got the hang of it. He would knock on the doors, say "Trick or Treat" and "thank you" without mommy having to say a word. He was so polite and it made me very proud.
Of course, he loved eating the candy afterwards too :)

Happy Halloween Evan!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Connor's First Halloween!

Happy 1st Halloween Connor!
Mommy and her little ghoul.
Daddy is a nut!