Tuesday, March 15, 2011

30 Things Before Mommy Turns 30- THE UPDATE!

It's now less than a year until I am 30!
Here is a list of 30 things that I want to accomplish before I am 30.
I will update throughout the year as I complete them.

In no particular order... 

1. Lose 30 Pounds (Lost 9 so far)
2. Take Family Trip to Hershey Park
3. Take Trip with Dave to the Poconos
4. Get Evan's Scrapbook up to date
5. Get Connor's Scrapbook up to date
6. Reconnect with 3 old friends (Have reconnected with 1 so far)
7. Sell something that I made
8. Organize our house (Working on it now)
9. Join a gym
10. Get a small tattoo
11. Win a contest
12. Get a massage
13. Have a whole day to myself
14. Read 1 book in 1 week
15. Get a manicure
16. Get a pedicure
17. Be on TV
18. Update my blog
19, Start a collection
20. Cook a Turkey
21. Get a new pet (Hammy the Hamster/Oreo the Cat)
22. Spend a whole day with just Evan
23. Spend a whole day with just Connor
24. Win the lottery
25. Update my resume
26. Have a "nice" family picture taken
27. Get a subscription to People Magazine
28. Make a pie from scratch
29, Worry and stress less
30. Be Happy!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Evan's FIrst Trip to the Dentist

Oh....a day that I have dreaded as much a taking Evan to get a haircut!
Evan's 1st time at the dentist!
We decided to have Evan's first dentist experience be at one that specializes in kids.
I figured that both Dave and I would be able to go in the room with him, but they only allowed one parent in...lucky me! I totally didn't know what to except from him and as usual Evan surprised me.
He let them take X-rays and clean his teeth like he had done it all before. The only time that he was really unhappy was when the actual dentist came in to look over his teeth...not a fan of that!
Overall, Evan did great and he has NO cavities!
They gave him a whole goodie bag after the cleaning too. It had a toothbrush, flavored floss, stickers, coloring pages, crayons and a toy car in it....I wish I got that after my cleaning. I'm lucky if they let me pick out my new toothbrush color! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Evan's 3 Year Old Doctor Visit and Fun Facts

Today we took Evan for his 3 year old Well Child Visit.
Thankfully, Aunt Michelle was in town visiting and was able to come and join the fun at the doctor's!

Evan now weighs 37 pounds and is 39 1/2 inches tall.
Dr. Holt said that Evan is healthy and a typical 3 year old!

Other "Facts" about Evan @ 3 Years Old:
Know's ABC's
Can count to 50
Vocabulary is through the roof!
Knows all colors and shapes
Know Right and Left
Starting to be able to read clocks
Is Potty Trained...doesn't even wear a diaper to bed!
Favorite Foods- Pizza, Cheese, Grapes, Strawberries, Raspberries, Broccoli, Steak, any Cereal,  M & Ms, Granola Bars, Hamburgers
Favorite Drinks- Milk, Chocolate Milk, Apple Juice, Orange Juice, Lemonade
Favorite Books- Cat in the Hat, I Spy, any thing Curious George
Favorite Songs- Down By the Bay, Muffin Man, Twinkle Twinkle, Hey Soul Sister
Favorite Stores: "Cookie Store" (Wegmans), Target, Dunkin Donuts, Old Lady (Navy)

I still can't believe that Evan is 3!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Evan's 3rd Birthday Party (Part 2)

After the kiddos cooked up a storm at the YCA. We headed back to our house for an "adult" lunch and cake and ice cream.
Evan, of course wanted cookie cake with Curious George on it. I'll admit that mommy had a hard time finding that! Look closely and you can see him on the right side of the cake :)
After cake and ice cream, Evan opened gifts, which of course he got everything he wanted....more CARS!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Evan's 3rd Birthday Party (Part 1)

On Saturday March 5th at 1PM, we had the first part of Evan's Birthday Party.
It was held at the Young Chef's Academy.
With instruction from Amy and Aunt Lindsay, the kiddos made their own pizza dough, personalized their own pizza and even decorated a cupcake too! 
Evan posing with the "Happy Birthday Evan" sign.
 Mommy helping to wash hands before cooking.
 Daddy modeling the "kids" aprons....how cute!
  Evan pouring in the olive oil for the pizza dough.
 Doing his favorite....mixing!
 Using a mixer that mommy someday hopes that she will have :)
 Rolling the dough...
 Spreading the sauce with Daddy...
 No pizza of Evan's would be complete without pepperoni!
 Ready for the oven...
 Not wanting a picture with mommy....boo!
 Cupcake decorating time...

 The cooked pizza...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy 3RD Birthday Evan!

Evan, I can't believe it....you are 3!

You get cuter every year :)

Evan on his 1st Birthday...

2nd Birthday...

3 Years Old!

Happy Birthday Evan!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Evan's 3 Year Old Photo Session

Last week, we took Evan to get his birthday pictures taken.
I have to say Evan is a "HAM" for sure but he had a hard time sitting still.
We got a few good pictures and like always...
it was a very memorable photo session!

Heartbreaker Evan...

My favorite...

On the move...

ALWAYS moving...

Sweet and Innocent....LOL!

Yup, that's our Evan!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

30 Things Before Mommy Turns 30

It's now less than a year until I am 30!
Here is a list of 30 things that I want to accomplish before I am 30.
I will update throughout the year as I complete them.

In no particular order... 

1. Lose 30 Pounds
2. Take Family Trip to Hershey Park
3. Take Trip with Dave to the Poconos
4. Get Evan's Scrapbook up to date
5. Get Connor's Scrapbook up to date
6. Reconnect with 3 old friends
7. Sell something that I made
8. Organize our house
9. Join a gym
10. Get a small tattoo
11. Win a contest
12. Get a massage
13. Have a whole day to myself
14. Read 1 book in 1 week
15. Get a manicure
16. Get a pedicure
17. Be on TV
18. Update my blog
19, Start a collection
20. Cook a Turkey
21. Get a new pet
22. Spend a whole day with just Evan
23. Spend a whole day with just Connor
24. Win the lottery
25. Update my resume
26. Have a "nice" family picture taken
27. Get a subscription to People Magazine
28. Make a pie from scratch
29, Worry and stress less
30. Be Happy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Connor is 11 Months Old!

Connor is 11 Months!

Lately, Connor is cruising all over the place. It should be anytime now
 before he starts to walk.
He is cutting 3 top teeth right now...all at the same time, so he's been a little grumpy.
The last few weeks, Connor hasn't been into formula at all. So, I started giving him some whole milk...loves it!
He is down to 3 bottles a day. I can't wait to not have to wash bottles out any more!!
He has lots of new favorite foods...pasta, bread, broccoli, goldfish and yogurt to name a few.
Connor is babbling so much more. Currently it's...DA-DA, BA-BA AND GA-GA.

He goes to the Doctor a few days after his birthday, so I will update then...
I can't believe that he's going to be 1! 

Monday, February 28, 2011

Talk About Getting Old...

It is so hard for me to believe that on Saturday Evan will be 3 years old!
It seems like it was just yesterday that this little baby was just laying in his crib staring back at me...
now I can't get him to sit still :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pushing 30

As some of you may know....yesterday was my 29th birthday. YUCK.....29! Where did the last 12 years of my life go? I feel like I was 17 yesterday.
I can remember when I turned 18, I said to myself, "Only 22 more years until I am 40". At the time, it seemed like it would take forever. Now what seemed to be the blink of an eye...I'm married, have a house, 2 kids and mini van...HOLY COW!.... "Only 11 more years until I am 40" 

I started my day yesterday being able to sleep until 8am.....yes both kiddos slept until then!
Then I headed to a local salon to get a haircut, manicure and massage pedicure. 
After spending 2 of my last 3 birthdays in the hospital, this was all much deserved!
Then I came back home, changed and went to dinner.

Below are a few pictures of Dave and I with the boys before we headed out to dinner.

Stay tuned for my "30 things before I'm 30 list" too!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Evan's Quote of the Day

"I'm not a Rock Star...I'm Evan" -Evan

Snow, Swans and Seagulls...OH MY!

 On a slightly warmer Rochester day last week, Daddy and Evan decided to stop and feed the local birdies. 
Connor and I watched from the nice toasty warm car.

Like Father, Like Son :)