Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Ten Things" Thursday

I haven't done this in a while...

Here are 10 of Evan's most current phrases that I think are hilarious!

1. "Mommies don't have beards!"
2. "What, Honey?" (He says to me if I call to him)
3. "No, I not smarty pants, I'm Evan!" (If I call him a smarty pants)
4. "I'm so excited, Mommy" (If he is getting a treat of some kind)
5. "Turn on music, I wanna dance!"
6. "Mommy, you want some coffee"
7. "Mommy doesn't work, mommy goes to the store"
8. "I want money!" (If he sees me paying for something with money)
9. "Oh, that's too much money" (if I tell him that he can't get a toy/treat that he wants)
10. "We go to Wegmans and get a cookie"

Thank you...

Sharon!!!...I hope that you see this...
Thank you so much for those outfits for the boys!
That was so thoughtful of you!!!
Hopefully, I'll see you again soon...maybe the next time I'm in JCPenny's :)

Connor is 6 Months Old!

Today is so hard to believe! My baby is 6 months old!!!
Even though, it seems hard to believe he's already 6 months, it feels like he has always been with us.
Connor's 6 month appt isn't until Oct 11th, so I won't have any stats until then. I can tell you though..he's much heavier and taller too. His dark hair is falling out, so it looks like we have another blondie..BUMMER! I was really hoping that his dark hair would stay.
He started solid food a few weeks ago. He has tired rice cereal, carrots and peas.
He loves carrots...not so much for the peas. We will try those again soon. I figured to celebrate his milestone today, we would do bananas. They were Evan's favorite!
He is still doing 5 ounces of formula about every 4 hours. Unfortunately, last week because of the recall we had to switch to another brand...not fun at all!
He is still sleeping through the night. Once in a blue moon he will get up though. He's now going down around 9PM and wakes about 630AM.
Connor is still not a good napper, but getting a little better at car rides.
He loves rolling on the floor, bouncing in his jumproo and getting lotion put on him.
He can't sit up by himself yet, but my guess...another 2 weeks and he'll have it.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Connor's Carrot Craze

Last night at dinner, Connor had his first veggie...Carrots!
He loves them!

He was not very happy when they were all gone...

We are going to do carrots for the rest of the week and then move on to PEAS...yeah!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fall Fun: Apple Picking!

Today we went Apple picking with some of our "Mommies Gone Wild" friends.
It was a beautiful day! It was warm and almost still felt like summer. It's hard to believe that winter is right around the corner!
We had a great time apple picking and got a bunch of apples to take home. 
We picked 4 pounds of my absolute favorite apple in the whole wide world....HONEYCRISP!
Evan loved picking the apples off the trees and of course off the ground. He would pick an apple, take a bite then throw it and repeat. He also loved walking through all the mud too :(
It was hard to take pictures today while holding Connor, watching Evan, picking apples, watching Evan, picking more apples and of course still watching Evan (I'm sure you get the!
Here are a few pictures that I did manage to get...


Evan not wanting his picture taken...

 Notice he has an apple in each hand and the bite marks on the apples...

 My failed attempt at a "Mommy and Connor" pic...

On Sunday we are going to a Corn Maze with some of our "Mommies Gone Wild" families...
So stay tuned for more "Fall Fun" pictures from that!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Springdale Farms....yet again!

Yesterday we went to Springdale Farms again....but this time Daddy was with us.
It was the farm's annual Fall Harvest Event. We saw many animals, went on a hayride and of course played on the playground there.
It was a beautiful day and of course the batteries on my camera were dead.
Lucky for us...we went with my friend Shara and her two kiddos.
She had her camera with her and took some great pictures!
Here are a few of my favorites.
Thanks Shara!

Look for another great picture on "Wordless Wednesday"!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Evan Got A Haircut...Finally!

Evan was WAY over due for a haircut! Finally this past week, I couldn't take the craziness of his hair any longer. I loaded Evan and Connor in the car and we went to a cute kids hair place in the Village of Webster.
On Wednesdays, they offer a special discounted rate for kids under to my ears!  :)
This was by far Evan's best haircut, he only cried a little bit.
When it was all over he looked in the mirror and turned to me and said, "Mommy I'm cute!"
I died laughing!!!
The hairdresser then gave Evan 2 lollipops because he did such a good job. After she handed them to him, Evan hands me one of them and says, "Here Mommy, for you!"

Evan is a handful at times, but he is so cute sometimes-I love him!
How could you not love this face?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Date Night!!

Tonight Dave and I were able to have a date!
Thanks to Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Chris, we were able to go out to do a little shopping and dinner.
We headed over to Eastview mall to Dave's favorite place, PF Changs. We had to wait an hour for a table, but were able to shop the mall while we waited.
Dave got a new shirt and Connor some oneies. Nothing this time for Evan or Mommy :(

It was so nice to have a quiet dinner and some adult conversation though, but I'll admit...Evan and Connor were on my mind...I missed them too :) Everytime I saw another little kiddo, I thought of them!

I forgot to take a picture at the restaurant, so I took this one after we got home.
Just for the record...we only had 1 drink :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Springdale Farms!

Last week, some of the "Mommies Gone Wild" gang, the boys and I took a ride to Springdale Farms.
Evan and the rest of the kiddos had a blast. Evan really enjoyed the petting zoo.
He was really excited to pet all the goats and unfortunately pick up their "droppings" to show me.
We plan on going back this weekend, so that Daddy can enjoy it too.

I LOVE this picture...the goat and Evan are looking at each other!!!

Of course...we need a cute picture of Connor!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Connor's First Feeding

On Friday, September 3rd, Connor had his first feeding.
During the past few weeks, whenever Dave or I would eat something Connor would stare at us. Sometimes he would even cry because we weren't giving any to him! So, I figured it was time to break out the rice cereal and give Connor a somewhat "taste" of what he's been missing.

He did great with it and couldn't get enough!!
I have a feeling that he is going to end up being a "good eater"...he loved it A LOT!
The whole time he kept trying to get the spoon out of my hand and feed himself.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Piece of Cake

Last Friday (9/3) I decided to have a playdate at my house for my "Mommies Gone Wild" playgroup. I'll admit...I am a dork and I LOVE to have themed playdates! It was 2 days before Evan's half I thought..."Half Birthday Party Playdate!"
I figured I'd make a big cake for the mommies and kiddos, have Happy Birthday plates, etc. Even write "Happy Half Birthday Evan" on the cake...I was excited and thinking that I am quite a "Cool Mommy" for doing this!
I decided to make the cake in the morning, so it would be nice and fresh! I baked it right after breakfast and as soon as it was done, I set it on the counter to cool. 
Dave was outside mowing the lawn (he had off from work) and I figured I'd take a quick shower and get dressed. Connor was napping and Evan was watching Curious George. So, I jumped in the shower fast and then checked on the boys as soon as I got out...everyone was still in the same spot.
 I then started to brush my teeth and noticed Evan was running up and down the hallway all excited. I didn't think much of it at the time because he usually does this when he sees Dave outside mowing the grass.
So, I started to do my hair and noticed Evan has crumbs on his face as he was running by.
 So I start to ask Evan what he is eating and he runs to the kitchen. I run after him and watch in horror as he shoves handfuls of cake into his mouth!
I send Evan to his room and I call Dave into the house.
I'll be completely honest...I was mad...but Dave and I laughed our heads off!!!!
Not in front of Evan of course :)

The cake was totally ruined and I had to serve popsicles instead.
There will be no half birthday celebration next year.

Check out the pictures below, but you really had to see it in person!

Notice the chair pushed right up to the counter?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Let's Play Catch (Up)...

I am so behind on this blog!
My goal has been to post something everyday since I started it back on Jan. 1st 2010, but lately it's been harder and harder for me to get "my computer time".
Maybe it's because... I have 2 kids, a husband (kid # 3), a house to take care of, lots of laundry and ironing, lots of shopping, cooking, cleaning, playing, reading, gardening, a Mom's group and Scrapbooking group to run, etc...I get busier and busier everyday.
I am not writing this to show you my excuse for being a bad blogger. I guess I writing it to show myself that it's okay to let something slip a little sometimes.
But, I have never been one to give up so easily...I do like a challenge!
So, starting goal is to post something everyday....even if it kills me :)

I have a lot of catching up to stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Picnic and Playground Play!

 Yesterday the boys and I along with our "Mommies Gone Wild" friends, ventured out to a new playground and spray park. The kiddos ran around and played in the playground....they were pooped! Then we sat and enjoyed a picnic lunch. It was such a nice day out and the play park was awesome!!!!
We will defiantly take Daddy here this weekend to check it out!

Here is a picture of Connor and Mommy chillin' in the shade....

I'm not very happy with this picture of me, Connor a cutie!!!

Here's Evan laying on the blanket enjoying his peanut butter sandwich...

Evan was a "hot mess"! All this kid does is sweat...well he doesn't sit still EVER, so maybe that's why!

Thanks Tracy for telling us about this great park!!!