Monday, May 31, 2010

Pool Party!

Today we went to Aunt Lindsay's Mom Lynn's house for a Pool Party.

Evan loves being in the water. I think that swimming class we took last fall really helped him to love the water.
Evan had fun playing in the water with Daddy and his cousins. BUT I think that he had more fun playing with Lynn's dog, Stella. Dave had a hard time trying to keep Evan in the water with the dog running around. All he wanted to do was throw sticks and balls for the doggie to fetch.
It was cute though!

As for Connor...he stayed poolside with Mommy and worked on his tan!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Connor is 2 Months Old!

Another month has gone by....Connor is 2 months old!

I'm not exactly sure what Connor weighs this month. He goes for his 2 month check up on Wednesday. I will post all of his new "stats" then.
He is now drinking between 4 1/2 and 5 ounces of formula this month.
He has become much more alert and not sleeping as much during the day. He takes 2 long naps a day. One after breakfast for about 2 hours and then one about 2PM for 2-3 hours. Then he has a few "catnaps" here and there. He is sleeping much better at night this month too...6 hour stretches...sometimes more!! We still have our "not-so-great" nights once in a while though.
He smiles and coos a lot...I LOVE that!
Connor loves to be outside. He likes to watch the trees and his big brother Evan run around.
He also loves his swing, talking with daddy and watching me blowdry my hair.
He isn't a fan of taking baths at the moment. That's really the only thing that he doesn't like.

He's a good baby...we can't complain...
 plus he's not under warranty anymore, so we're keeping him :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Day at the Zoo

This afternoon we went to the Zoo with Uncle Dan, Aunt Denise, Angie, Adri and Abby.
It was a beautiful day out and Evan had lots of fun playing with his cousins.
We saw lots of animals. Evan's favorites were the alligators and sea lions.

But his favorite part of our Zoo visit was running around and not sitting in his stroller.

Evan is defiantly your typical 2 year old!

And as you can see Connor really enjoyed himself too...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Bust My Buffers...

just happens to be one of Evan's new phrases.
Does it sound familar to you?'s a common phrase from the show "Thomas and Friends"...
Evan's new obsession!

In the picture above, Evan is wearing Thomas pajamas, playing with a Thomas the train and watching Thomas on the Television, all at the same time.

It's really cute when he's watching the show, he will sing along and ask Dave and I to sing with him.
Then after the show, Evan will go in his room and play with his train and reenact the Thomas episode that he just's the funniest thing!

And this is what Connor thinks of "Thomas and Friends"...

nope, not really a fan yet!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Evan VS the Driveway

Yup, the Driveway won.

Evan had his first bloody nose yesterday.
He was riding his tricycle, hit a hole on the driveway and flew right over the handlebars. He landed face first into the driveway.
He took it like a champ though. He cried for a few mintues and then that was it. 
Dave and I seemed to be more upset then Evan was.
He doesn't have any bumps or marks on his nose, just a small cut on his lip upper lip.
I wanted to take a picture of Evan for this blog, but he wasn't feeling too up to it.

And if case you were wondering...the driveway and tricycle are doing just fine.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Aunt Michelle's Big Day!

No...we're not talking about her wedding day...that was last year!

Today Aunt Michelle graduates from college!

Congratulations! We love you!!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fun in the Sun!

Today we had our "Mommies Gone Wild" friends over for a stroll around the neighborhood and then some play time at the playground near our house.
It was the funniest thing seeing 8 strollers rolling down the street. We had a few comments from some of my neighbors who must have thought we were some kind of "Stroller Cult" I wish I could have gotten a picture of us all!

Evan talked about going to the playground during the whole walk, so the walk wasn't as long as I wanted.
He had a blast at the playground playing with all his buddies.
Evan LOVES climbing the stairs, swinging and just running around!

Connor on the other hand napped the entire time.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Aunt Lindsay!

We hope that you had a Happy Birthday!

Evan and Connor

Monday, May 17, 2010

Lady Gaga...opps!...I mean Mister Gaga

Today we went to the Lilac Fesival with our "Mommies Gone Wild" friends.
It was a beautiful day for it.
We walked around the Lilacs and around the festival area.
It was nice to get some exercise and some fresh air.
Let me tell you... pushing a double stroller up some of those hills really gets the calf muscles burning :)

On the car ride home, I turned the radio on for a change. Usually we have to listen to what Evan calls the "new" or "old" kids CDs.
Anyways, the new Lady Gaga song came on and right away Evan says, "Mommy, Gaga on!"
Oh Brother!

Guess who we have to thank for this....not me....DAVE!
He secretly is a fan and is getting Evan into it too...Don't tell him I told you :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Mommies Gone Wild" 2nd Annual Sale

Today was our 2nd Annual group garage sale at our house. Myself and 3 other mommies participated.
The mommies were in charge of doing the selling and the daddies were in charge of the kiddos.
It was a nice day, a little breezey, but a success! Everyone made some money, got rid of some stuff and enjoyed a nice day outside with family and friends!

After the sale was over, Dave wanted to go to Target and get a new kite for Evan and him to fly.
After we bought the kite we went right to an open field so that they could fly it.

Connor started to get fussy during the kite flying, so him and I headed home.
When we got back home he was very smiley with I finally got a good picture of him smiling!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Fatigue Friday

Today was a pretty busy day for us. It was the only day that we stayed home all week, so we had some cleaning and organizing to do. We also had more items to get together for the garage sale tomorrow morning.
Around 10AM, Connor was taking a nap, so Evan and I decided to start cleaning.
When it's time to clean we have a certain routine that we follow. I have to have the "Pandora" music station on my laptop playing, so that Evan has music to dance to. I'll admit I might dance around a little too :)
Well, this particular day Evan was dancing in the living room and I was cleaning the kitchen. The next thing I know I see him sitting on the couch still swaying from side to side to the beat of the music. So I continue to clean. Not more than a minute or two later, I look back over at him....he's sound asleep on the couch still sitting up!

Is this what's going to happen during his Prom?
I'll feel bad for his date.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Sandbox + 2 Kiddos = A Relaxing Time?

Today we went to our favorite indoor play area with our "Mommies Gone Wild" friends...The Sandbox!
I'll admit I was a little anxious to see how different the Sandbox would be with two kiddos. Yes, this was my first time there alone with both of them, but as I have said before...I like to get out of the house and stay busy!
Evan listened and behaved himself so well and Connor slept the whole time. I was actually able to sit and have a conversation with another mom while I watched Evan exhaust himself before naptime :)
When it was time to go, Evan didn't even fight me to leave and he was aslept in the car before we even left the parking lot.

When we got home it was bath time for Connor...he didn't enjoy his bath too much today.
He did however enjoy his "Johnson and Johnson Baby Lotion" massage afterwards.

I LOVE that fresh baby smell !!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day...TO ME!

Boys in my House

There are boys in my house - and Spiderman shoes
And 200 papers in various blues.
There's Bob (he's a builder) and Thomas the Train,
There's a fireman coat to wear in the rain.
They have cars on their shirts and frogs on their hats
There's a glove and a ball and a red plastic bat.
There's dirt on a face and a smudge on a nose;
Grass stains on knees and sand between toes.
There's bathtime at night with bodies to scrub,
And when we're all done there is dirt in the tub!
There's bandaids and bruises and curious bumps,
There's smiles and laughter and sometimes there's grumps.
There's odors most icky; there's boogers so green
There's more yucky things than I'll ever get clean.
There's piles of laundry; there's stories at night;
There's bedtime and bathtime and dinnertime fights.
There's cars and there's trains and there's books about trucks
There's Scoop, Lofty, Dizzy, and Travis, and Muck.
Sometimes there are bugs, and sometimes there are frogs;
Sometimes they are lions, or dinos, or dogs.
There are cute little vests and darling neckties
Dragged right through the mud - oh what a surprise!
There's running and climbing and jumping and falling
And laughing and crying and hugging and brawling
And rolling and losing and finding and creeping
and whining and stealing and sometimes there's sleeping.
There's tantrums and time outs and extra loud noise -
There's love in my house shaped like two little boys.

Author: Erin Jo Kilmer

Friday, May 7, 2010

Our Little "Stud Muffin"

Today was actually a really busy day for the boys and me.
We had an early playdate this morning at our friends Tracy and Chloe's house. Evan was having so much fun that we ended up staying for 2 hours. Connor slept the whole time we were there, but then decided to wake up and want a bottle as we were leaving. Of course!
Next, we went to the mall...that's right just the boys and me! I had to go to JCPenny's to get Dave a few pairs of work pants that were on sale. They were a really good deal! Evan was very excited to help me shop for Daddy's pants. The whole time we were in the store he kept saying, "Daddy's work pants".
 I also got the boys an outfit for their upcoming pictures that we're going to get taken in a few weeks. I can't wait!
Leaving the store, I realized...everyone got something new except for me! Thinking about this didn't make me feel bad at all though, over these last few years after becoming a "Mom" I've become very use to this. I am the happiest knowing that "my boys" are taken care of....yes, even Dave!
I had told Evan that if he was good in the store that we would walk down to Barnes and Noble so that he could play with the trains there. Well, he was good, so I kept my word.
As Evan was playing with the trains these two older twin girls came over to play too. Evan introduced himself to them. That's his new thing...he points to himself and says "Evan". Then he gave them each a train to play with.
That's our son...2 years old and already working the ladies!
I think we're going to be in trouble!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Once Upon a Time...My Little "Bronner"

This morning as we were getting ready to go to a morning playdate, Evan told me he wanted to read "Bronner" a book. "Bronner" is what Evan says for Brother. He can say Connor perfectly, but likes to call him "Bronner".

Evan is getting more and more use to having Connor around. He likes to help me out anyway that he can with Connor. Lately, he has been wanting to hold him alot. It's so cute...I have to take a picture everytime!
Also, when Connor is crying in his carseat, Evan loves to "Rock the baby" as he says...and he always seems to get him to stop crying.

We couldn't ask for a better Big Brother!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mommy & Me (Hey and Me Too)!

This is the first picture taken of Evan, Connor and me!
It's not the greatest picture of us, but it's not bad since I am holding both kiddos and taking the picture too!
Hoping to get a nice one of the 3 of us taken soon :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Daddy made Dinner!

Tonight Dave made Evan and I dinner.
It was a Tofu Stirfry of his own creation. It was really good,
except Evan and I aren't really fans of tofu.
Maybe he'll have better luck with Connor...well once he can eat solids!

Thanks for dinner Daddy!