Friday, February 26, 2010

How Not to Spend Your 28th Birthday...

is in the HOSPITAL!
Yup, thats what happened to me. I was feeling great most of the day.
Later in the afternoon, I was on the phone with my sister and I started to feel nauseous.
Then it was all down hill from there...I couldn't keep ANYTHING down!
When Dave got home from work, he called my Doctor and we went right to the hospital.
I was there from 7PM until 7AM. They did blood work, urine samples, etc.
Come to find out, I was extremely dehydrated.
I had to have 3 IVs and 2 different types of nausea medication.

I was thankfully able to make it to Evan's Party on Saturday, but I'm still not completely back to normal.

**If you remember I was also in the hospital on my birthday being pregnant with Evan, but that was because of high blood pressure. What luck I have!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Taking a load off...

This morning we left the house early to go to a playdate at our friends Kelly and Avery's house.
We did a children's book swap too while we were there. Evan got a new train book that he loves.
We came home after and played in Evan's room.
He loves to sit at his table that he got from Grandpa John and Grandma Debbie for Christmas!
He keeps telling me,  "Sit Mommy" and points to the empty chair. I have to keep reminding him that, "Mommy is too big to sit at this table".
I am flattered by the offer though :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

"Memory Lane" Monday

"King of the Beach"

Evan was 6 months old in this picture. It was taken
on the beach while visiting Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Johnny in South Carolina.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Question: "Danielle, are you ready for 2 kids"?

Answer: YES!!!

This is the question that lately I have been getting asked a lot.

Yes, I am ready and in fact, I CAN'T WAIT!!!
I don't feel scared at all. I am much more confident this time around.
 I am really looking forward to the challenge!

I can't wait for our family to be complete. (This will most likely be our last kiddo)
I can't wait to see Dave be a Daddy again. (He is an amazing father!)
I can't wait for Evan to be a big brother.
I can't wait to say "My Boys..."!
I can't wait to take "my boys" out for the first time by myself in the double stroller.
I can't wait to be just as active with two kids, as I am now with one. (I am not one for sitting around-I like to stay BUSY)

There are so many more things that I am looking forward to... but too many to list, I think that you get the idea though.

I can't wait to be the Mommy of 2 boys!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Potty" House Party

Today we had a very special play date at our house.
A Huggies Potty Party!!!
 I had won an opportunity to host a "Huggies" Potty Training Party. I was sent free samples of diapers, lots of coupons, DVDs and other goodies for myself and my playgroup,
"Mommies Gone Wild".
After I passed out all the goodies and the mommies tried to watch the DVD, the kiddos played.
 Most of the time the kiddos played in Evan's room. Evan would turn on his "Elmo" CD to his (and Uncle Chris') favorite song, "Elmo you can drive my car"! Evan would turn it up really loud and all the kids would dance and scream with excitment to it.
There was also a lot of "hide and seek" in the closet, as you can see from the picture.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Attention Shoppers"

For those of you that didn't know.....yesterday was National Pancake Day! We had a play date in the morning at our friends Kelly and Avery's house. Kelly made us all pancakes and we added our favorite toppings. Then the kiddos had some play time.
After the play date, we went to Kohls and Target with Kelly and Avery. Well....this was the scene in Target!
I pushed the boys in the shopping cart together. It was really cute and they LOVED it. When they weren't sitting together in the cart, they walked around the store holding hands!

Monday, February 15, 2010

"Memory Lane" Monday

This picture was taken our first time at "The Sandbox" indoor play area.
Evan was 7 months old in this picture and even now he still LOVES going to this place!!
I try to take him there at least once or twice a month. Although, these days it's getting harder to keep up with him :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Taking Teddy for a Ride!

We hope that everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day today!

I took this picture of Evan last night before he went to bed. As I was trying to clean up the kitchen,
Evan was driving his motorcycle around the kitchen table with his teddy bear along for the ride.
It was too cute! It makes me wish that I could fit on it with him too :)

Thanks Aunt Michelle and Uncle Roman for the motorcycle and teddy!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

The "Evan" Chronicles

I have been meaning to post this picture for a few days now....

On Sunday night, I needed to go to Wegmans for a few things and decided to get the Sunday paper while I was there.
Luckly, I had a chance to look at most of the paper when we got home before Evan got ahold of it!
He grabbed the paper off the couch, tossed it all over the floor and started rolling around on them as if he were a dog!
It was pretty cute!

Monday, February 8, 2010

"Memory Lane" Monday

"Will Cry For Food"

Evan was almost six months old in this picture.

He looks like he barely fits in the highchair and now he's too big for it!

One thing hasn't changed though....he "will still cry for food" :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Big Top" Evan

Last night was Evan's first visit to a Circus!!!

Evan was treated to an early Birthday gift from his Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Chris.
Mommy and Daddy got to come along too!
We saw many great acts and even some animals. Evan enjoyed it a lot (Dave and I did too).
Some of Evan's favorite acts were "Doggies jumping through hoops of fire" and anything that had to do with juggling.
We also learned that Evan's not a big fan of clowns.

THANKS Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Chris! 

Friday, February 5, 2010

"Smarty Pants" Alert

Here's a quick update on Evan:

He is 23 months old today!!!!

Evan as of last week can sing his ABC's in order all by himself including "Now I know my ABC's.....!
He knows his numbers 1-10 perfectly and he's can almost count all by himself from 1-20.

We are working on shapes and colors right now...which he got a new puzzle for. He LOVES his puzzles!

He will now point to my tummy and say "baby brother" cute!! I bought him a "Big Brother" book a few weeks ago and he wants to read it at least a dozen times a day.

We were walking into a store this morning and there was a 60% off sign in front. He points to the sign and says "Mommy Sale" was so proud!

Potty training is coming along great too! He loves to sit on his "big boy" potty.
Most of the time we have to "drag" him off of it :)

We also have to get a lock for the fridge :)
Evan figured out how to open it earlier this week.
This morning he told me he wanted chocolate milk. So as I am eating my breakfast, he brings me the gallon jug of milk and the chocolate syrup!

Another Little Buddy

Earlier this week, we stopped over at my friend Kelly's house for a play date.
Kelly has a 2 year old son named Avery. Avery and Evan play very well together.
But the funny thing is...Evan talks about Avery all the time when we're at home.
Evan will sometimes pick up Dave's or my cell phone to "make a call" and I'll ask him who he's calling, he will say "Avery".

It's the cutest thing!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"The Ladies Man"

Earlier this week, Evan and I spent the morning with our friends Jen and Gavin.
Jen did a "mini photo shoot" of her son and Evan.
She wanted it to be Valentine's themed, so she got the boys big suckers to use in the pictures and we dressed them for the occasion.
As you can see...Evan had no problem posing for the camera and enjoying his treat at the same time.

Thanks Jen!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Our Little Gopher

Yesterday, Evan and I had a "pajama playdate" at our friend's house. Both mommies and kiddos dressed up in pajamas and also brought a new pair of jammies to donate to a charity.
After we got back home, we were hanging out in the living room and I started to sneeze. Evan ran and got mommy a tissue without even being asked to!
He then placed it on his head for me to take this picture!!


Monday, February 1, 2010

"Memory Lane" Monday

Another one of my favorite pictures!!

Evan and Aunt Michelle both taking their afternoon nap.

Evan was only 5 months old in this picture.