Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thank you!

Thank you Grandpa, Grandma and Uncle Johnny for the Halloween cards!
We love you and miss you!

Lots of Love, Evan and Connor

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Connor is 7 Months Old!

Like I've been saying every month...Holy Cow! Where the heck does the time go?!?!?
Connor is 7 Months old!!!
I don't have too much to add this time because I was late doing his 6 month update a few weeks ago.
Connor is such a smiley baby! He smiles at everyone and everything...gee I wonder who he gets that from??? :)
Connor is really liking his food! He loves bananas, apples, pears, carrots, squash and sweet potatoes. He doesn't like peas or green beans (breaks my heart-my fave!). He loves sitting in his highchair and loves to play with his spoon after he eats.
He doesn't like to nap...I think he's afraid that he's going to miss out on! He sleeps through the night fine, but during the day is sometimes a chore to get him to nap. 
Connor is wearing size 12 month clothing and wears a size 3-4 in shoes.
He loves to roll around on the floor and  is way more interested in Evan's toys then his own.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

He's Got More Underwear Than Me!

No, I'm not talking about Dave...I talking about Evan!!!
Evan is potty trained!
It's been about 3 weeks now and he's still doing great! Dave and I are so proud of him and Evan seems to be pretty proud of himself too. He loves to wear his "favorite" pairs of underwear....yes he has his favorites already...anything with cars or trucks and of course Thomas.
He's been staying completely dry during his naps and getting out of the house. He also does great during playdates at other people's houses too. 

Yay...for only having to buy diapers for one kiddo!!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Connor is 6 Months Old (The Update)

Last Monday was Connor's 6 Month Doctor's appt.
 I promised an update on his stats, so here they are.
Connor is 17 pounds 12 ounces and is a little over 26 inches long.

At this appt, both Connor and Evan also got their flu shots....I don't know which kiddo was more "fun" to hold for the shot, a 2 year old or 6 month old...can you guess?

Connor will most likely me sitting up any day now...I can't wait for that!
He has been a little "crabby" lately, so we are thinking that teeth are on their way.
Let the fun begin!

He goes back to the doctor's in January for his 9 month appt....
it's crazy to think that he will most likely be crawling by then!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

An Early Christmas Gift...

A few days ago I received an early Christmas gift from Aunt Michelle.
It is a necklace that has both of the boys names engraved on it. I have been wanting it since I had Connor, but figured that it wasn't something that I had to have.
But, thanks to Aunt Michelle I have it!

Thanks Michelle!
 I love you and miss you!

*Dave is actually a little jealous that his name isn't on it too :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dude, Where's My Sponges?

Last week, we went to Wegmans to grab a few things...
one of the things that I needed was new sponges.
After we got back home, I started taking items out of the bags and putting them away.
Evan of course had to help!
Well, the last time that I saw the 2 packs of sponges that we bought, he had them.
Now...they are no where to be found!!!
Dave and I have looked EVERYWHERE around the house for the past week and we can't find them ANYWHERE.

Lesson Learned....keep sponges away from Evan!

Monday, October 4, 2010

I have a good excuse...

My recent lack of posts are due to laptop issues :(
My laptop is totally gone, hopefully I will have a new one soon.

Sorry...I will try to make up for lost time!