Monday, August 30, 2010

Connor is 5 Months Old!

Today Connor is 5 month old!!!!!

Connor is really such a good baby...we can't complain at all!
He is rolling over like crazy now and loves to be on his tummy!
He likes to hold rattles and of course put them right into his month.
Lately, every time we try to put him on his back, he tries to pull himself up and can't, so he gets frustrated.

Connor is wearing size 9 month clothing. He is drinking between 5-5.5 oz of formula every 4-4.5 hours. In the next 2 weeks or so we will be starting rice cereal. I can't believe he's going to start solids soon!

Connor also continues to sleep through the night. He is in his crib before 9PM and wakes up between 630AM-7AM. Most of the time Evan is up before him!

He still loves his swing, floor mat and bouncy chair. BUT is still not a fan of naps and car rides.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Who's Been Sitting in My Bumbo?

One of the new purchases that we made for Connor was a Bumbo. I wish that I had know about this thing when I had Evan!!!!
Connor loves his little seat, but then again so does everyone else... are TOO BIG!

...too LITTLE...


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Leonardo da "Evan"

On Sunday, Evan and I tried to "tap in" to our creative side since it was a rainy day.
He had been bugging me to paint a birdhouse like they did on  "Caillou", so I finally gave in.
I'll admit, he did a great job and he did it all by himself!

The finished product...

What a cute little house for a lucky little bird :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shoe Shopping with Bigfoot

Last week it was time to get Evan a new pair of sneakers. So, we headed over to Stride Rite at Eastview Mall.
 As soon as we walked over to the huge display of sneakers....Evan pointed out these ugly, "old-man" light-up ones. I told Evan no way and thought to myself how before I had kiddos that I said, " I will never let my child have those dumb light-up shoes" did I know!
The sales women measures Evan's feet, he is now a 9 DOUBLE WIDE! Yikes!!!
I point out the shoes that I would like Evan to try on and she begins to tell me that the only pair that she has left in double wide is the light-up pair! JUST MY LUCK!!!! Evan tried them on and was in love. He was so excited that he began to run laps around the store and luckily he stopped for a second so that I could take a picture.
The smile on his face is worth having to put up with the dumb lights :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rock & Roll (Over)

Connor rolled over on Monday!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Opps! I Did It Again....

I won something!!!

I won a $50 giftcard to from one of my new favorite sites Hip 2 Save!!

I see a "date night" in my near future :)

I would have never known about this site if it wasn't for Jen!!!

Thou Shall LOVE Thy Neighbor's Lawn...

So, I'm thinking that should be a new commandment!

To make a very long story short, Dave and I found out on Friday that some of our neighbors don't like the way that we take care of our lawn.

Do we have toys all over the lawn?
Do we go more than a week without mowing it?
Are there weeds, branches, garbage all over the lawn?

Ummmm....then what's the problem you ask?
You know the tiny pieces of grass that sometimes end up on your driveway or the street after you mow?!?!?
Well, they don't like that they (sometimes) blow onto their driveway, lawn or the main road.

I think that the real problem is some people really need to get a life.

I can't wait to move :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pool Party @ Chuck's

On Saturday we headed over to our friend Chuck's parent's house. Chuck has been a friend of ours for a long time and was in town for the weekend. He is a police officer in DC.
 Dave's been friends with him since middle school and I've known him as long as I've known Dave (11+ years).
We joined his family and girlfriend for a picinic and pool party. It was a beautiful day and Evan had a blast in the pool with Daddy. Mommy and Connor stayed "poolside", we didn't want to get our hair wet :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Monday's Doctor Appt.

On Monday we had Connor's 4 month appt.
He is now weighs 16 pounds and is 25.5 inches long.
(He is fitting perfectly into 9 month clothing)
Doctor says "he's perfect!" (I'm quoting her)
He had to get 2 shots too :( I took the picture above after the 2nd shot...needless to say he was not a "happy camper"!
He goes back again for his 6 month appt the beginning of October. It's hard to believe that by that time he'll be eatting baby food!
He's growing up TOO FAST :(  

Monday, August 9, 2010

Picture Perfect

Yesterday we had Connor's "4 month" pictures taken.

Let's just say...I couldn't decide which ones to get!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

He works hard for the money...

On Friday after Daddy came home from work, Connor and I went to the bank to FINALLY open his savings account.
I thought that it would be cute to have him there while did it. I actually did the same thing with Evan too!
I guess you could say it's a tradition.
So...Connor is now on the books and hopefully on the right track to saving his money...maybe for his first car, maybe college or maybe money for taking out all the ladies...YIKES...
I don't even want to think about that yet!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Ten Things" Thursday

Today's "Ten Things" is ...If I had a whole day "off" and Dave was home watching the boys, these are some of the things that I would do.
(These are in no particular order)

  1. get a massage

  2. get a manicure and pediciure

  3. get my hair cut, colored and permed

  4. scrapbook

  5. lay in the sun and read a book

  6. go to the mall and try on clothes alone in the dressing room

  7. catch up with Jen

  8. take a nap

  9. go to target

  10. miss being with Evan and Connor (Dave too!)
**Let's be serious though...I can't really afford to do this all anyways...I would probably just clean the house and go to Wegmans :)
It's funny how things change when you're a mommy?!?!?!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Color Me "Mommy"

A few weeks ago, I had a Mommy's Night Out at a local "Color Me Mine" store. For those of you not familiar with pick out a piece of pottery and paint it to take home.
I had been wanting to try this place out for the longest time and I am SO GLAD that I did!
It's my new favorite place. It was a lot of fun especially painting with a group of other mommies and Aunt Lindsay too.

I wanted to start out painting something simple because the only type of paints that I have touched in a while, has been fingerpaints. I choose a small platter and I am pretty happy how it turned out.
What do you think?

Before being glazed and fired...


I didn't think it was too bad for my first time. I'm going to go again in a few weeks and I can't wait!
I think I'm going to try to do a mug or vase this time.

I can't wait until Evan and Connor can go there and paint with me!
I think it will be a while though...especially with Evan :)