Friday, July 30, 2010

Connor is 4 Months Old!

Holy Cow!....4 months ago I had Connor!!!
He is growing up so fast and doing so much more. I feel like these months are going by so much faster this time around then with Evan....probably because I have two kiddos this time!
I won't know his current stats until another week, so I can't tell you those, but I will update when I know.
SO...what's Connor up to?...Connor is still sleeping AWESOME!!! He still goes to sleep now about 9PM and wakes up around 630AM. Sometimes he will sleep later than Evan! This weekend we are finally going to put him in the crib at night to sleep :(  It's bittersweet...happy to have my room back and sad that he's growing up. As far as naps...not so good right now, but we are working on it.
He loves holding onto rattles and burp cloths, just like Evan did. He is starting to put everything he picks up into his mouth too. He laughs and smiles all the time...a very happy baby. He still loves his swing and playmat on the floor.
 He's still not a fan of car rides, but he's liking his baths so much more now!

WOW! What A Feeling...

I know....this is lame to write about, but I am excited to finally announce...

It's funny, I have gone just about everywhere alone with the 2 kiddos...Target, the Mall and Outlet Mall, Doctor Appointments, the Zoo, just about everywhere else-
but for some reason the thought of going to Wegmans with both of the kiddos all by myself- makes me break out in hives!
Maybe it's because just taking Evan there alone can be a little nerve wrecking, considering his current track record.
Well, as of Wednesday I can now cross that challenge off my feels good!!

Here is a picture to prove it.
If I can do Wegmans....I can do ANYTHING now!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Ten Things" Thursday

These are the "Ten Things" that I learned after becoming a Mommy. There are MANY MANY things that I have learned in the past 2 1/2 years, but these are the ones that popped in my head today :)

  1. I know which Barnes and Nobles have a train table in the children's section.

  2. I know that I won't be able to go to the bathroom alone for a very long time.

  3. I know how exciting it is to go to Wegmans alone.

  4. I know all the names of the engines on "Thomas and Friends" including train parts.

  5. I know I give magic kisses that can make any boo-boo go away.

  6. I know all the words to every Elmo and Kids CD we own.

  7. I know the entire PBS cartoon schedule.

  8. I know not to leave home without goldfish.

  9. I know that things will never go as planned, especially photo sessions.

  10. I know no matter how bad of a day I've had...I LOVE being a Mommy!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Pedicures with Mommy know how most mommies have "craft time" with their kiddos?
Well, a few days ago Evan and I had "pedicure time" instead.

I have really been needing to repaint my toenails, especially since it's summertime!
I decided I couldn't put it off any longer, so I finally did it.
To my surprise...Evan was really interested in what I was doing to my toes.
He kept asking me questions about everything that I was using and of course...why I was using it.

I had some nail decals that I put on my toe nails to really give me that "I just got a pedicure at a salon feeling" and of course Evan needed to "have some too", as he likes to say.
So, I had to put a decal on his toes too. He probably would have let me paint them too, but I could have only imagined the look on Dave's face when he got home and saw that!

Well, here are the finished products...I hope you can tell which ones are Evan's :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Saturday @ the Carnival

Yesterday we took the boys to the Fireman's Carnival.
It was a very hot day, but we didn't let it stop us!
Here are a few highlights from the day.

Dave and Evan playing a game.

Evan's first time on bumper cars!

Evan playing a "duckie" game.

Connor and Mommy trying to stay cool in the shade.

Connor has had enough excitment for one day... he's pooped!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

How did we spend Friday night?

We made cookies!
Have you ever seen somebody so excited to make cookies?

If case you were wondering...they were peanut butter with chocolate chips.

Friday, July 16, 2010

5 Years!

On Wednesday, Dave and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary.
We actually got to go out on a date....with no kiddos!
We went to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, Selena's.
It was a nice night, so we were able to sit outside.
I actually tried my first good!
Dave of course had to take a picture of me enjoying my first sip.
I returned the favor by taking a picture of his first bite of dinner.
After dinner, we walked through the streets near the restaurant and got a cookie at a coffee shop.
Then we went to the one place that I sometimes dream about going to "kid-less"...Target!
Did we buy anything for ourselves while we were there? Of course not!
We bought stuff for Evan and Connor.
Well, it was a really nice night out together and I can't wait to see what the next 5 years have in store for us.
I love you Dave!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Cozy Coupe & the Crazy Driver

For a few months now I have been trying to find a Cozy Coupe for Evan at a really good price.
I looked online, checked ads and looked in a bunch of stores.
Well, one night I was online and I happened to check one of my favorite new sites (thanks to Dave),  The site directed me to Wal-Mart's site and they had them on sale for $24.98 with free shipping! I was so excited because they are regularly $49.
So, we got it!
After Dave put it together we let him "test drive" it around the house, but now we have it outside.
Thank god...because Evan kept playing "Bumper Cars" with it in our living room!
He loves it :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

"Ten Things" Thursday

This week's "Ten Things" is going to be Evan's favorite foods at the moment. These are in no particular order and just for the record, I don't allow him to eat some of these foods everyday...I'm sure that you can guess which ones. : )

1. Any type of Muffin
2. Broccoli
3. Strawberries
4. Marshmallows
5. Cheese
6. Pizza
7. Eggs and toast
8. Pancakes
9. M & Ms
10. Grapes

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Saturday @ Seabreeze

On Saturday, we took Evan and Connor to Seabreeze.
 It was Evan's second time there and Connor's first.
Dave and I were a little worried that Evan would end up being too scared to go on the rides, but boy...were we wrong!

 Let's just say there were a few that we had to drag him off of...

especially these cars!

He loved going on the Train with Daddy too!
Evan was even brave enough to go on the "kiddie" roller coaster! He definalty gets his love for rides from both Daddy and Mommy. 
(Daddy and Evan are in the fourth cart in the picture)

And where was Connor you ask?

Friday, July 2, 2010

Do you know the Muffin Man?

I'll let you in on a little's Evan!

I don't know how or why but Evan is obsessed with making and eating muffins lately!
Now I understand where he gets his love for Carbs...hehe...ME, but it's crazy how much he wants them.

For example, last night I went to Wegmans and I left a few muffin mixes that I bought on the counter. Well, this morning Evan found them and carried them around the house and even took them in the car with us on they were some kind of new toy.
He bugged me all day to make them, so I finally gave in.
He made them all by himself.

He is just way too excited...

He wouldn't let me help at all!
Of got to taste what you make :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Time with Aunt Michelle

On Monday the boys and I got to spend the day with Aunt Michelle.
She wanted to take Evan to Chuck E. Cheese.
He's been so excited to go there. He had been talking about it for weeks.
Here are some pictures that we took while we were there.
You can really see the excitment on Evan's face!

After Chuck E. Cheese, we took a quick trip to the mall.

This was Evan in the car...

Here was Connor trying on a hat in Old Navy...

Well, we had a fun day with Aunt Michelle and were sad to see her go.
We will hopefully see you again in December.

Thanks for spoiling us!
We love you and miss you Aunt Michelle and Uncle Roman!!