Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Connor is 3 Months Old! I feel like Connor was just born and I blinked! 3 Months Old...time is flying by so much more this time around.
I won't know his current stats until next month, so I can't tell you those.
He has changed so much and been doing much more these last few weeks.

Connor is sleeping AWESOME!!!
He goes to sleep now about 9PM and wakes up around 530PM. I LOVE this baby!!!
He's been grabbing for objects and holding onto whatever he can get his hands on.
He also kicks like crazy!!
He holds is head up really well and loves to be on his tummy too.

One thing that he's still not a fan of though is car rides.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Scary Thought...

I graduated from High School 10 years ago today!


Yesterday afternoon at 130PM, I turned on Barney and the boys and I started to watch it on the couch.
I began feeding Connor a bottle and then Evan laid down next to me. He pulled up the back of his shirt, pointed to his back and asked me to rub his tummy. I couldn't help but laugh! "That's your back", I told him. So as soon as I started to rub his back, he was asleep. A second later the couch started shaking and I figured maybe Evan isn't asleep and he's kicking the side of the couch with his leg. Nope....Earthquake!
I looked up and the blinds were swaying and the couch really started to shake.
I was afraid the kiddos would wake up scared, but no they slept right though it.
So...that was Evan and Connor's first memorable!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mommy FINALLY Won Something!!!!

Don't get too's not the lottery!
But I am excited to say that I won a children's bike helmet and an adult ticket to Darien Lake from a local news station!!!
Dave has been bugging me for a while to start entering any contest that I can to try to win something.
A few months ago, he won some pretty cool things including a $300 cell phone and Xbox games!
I don't usually consider myself to be a lucky person at all, but I am lucky to have 2 handsome and healthy kiddos and a great husband!! :)
Anyways, so a few weeks ago I was watching the news and they mentioned this contest during the show. So as I was feeding Connor with one hand, I got on my laptop with the other and entered it..."what the heck", I thought.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day Dave!

Daddy, We love you

For all that you do.

We'll kiss you and hug you

'Cause you love us, too.

You feed us and need us

To teach you to play,

So smile 'cause we love you

On this Father's Day.

Author Unknown

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Birthday Party

Today we went to Uncle Dan and Aunt Denise's house to help celebrate Adri and Abby's birthday.
It turned out to be a pretty nice day with the weather, so it was nice to be outside to play and enjoy the fresh air.
Evan had fun playing in the "Barbie" Power Wheels, Cozy Coupe and sandbox with his cousins.

Here is Angie and Evan driving around the yard.
Notice Evan on the phone?

This is Evan and the girls eating cake and ice cream.

Where was Connor during all the festivities?

In the arms of Aunt Michelle.
Aunt Michelle and Uncle Roman came to visit for a few days and Aunt Michelle was able to join us at the birthday party.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Ten Things" Thursday

Last week I gave you "Ten Things" that Evan has said, this Thursday is Connor's turn.
It's a little harder because he's only 2 1/2 months old :)

"Ten Things" about Connor

Connor has really long eye lashes.
Connor's favorite time to wake up is 5AM.
Connor hates taking baths.
Connor likes to go for car rides, but doesn't always fall asleep during them.
Connor likes to eat. (gets that from Mommy)
Connor likes to lay on his tummy.
Connor just started to laugh out loud last week.
Connor likes to be naked.
Connor doesn't like to wear hats or bibs.
Connor loves his big brother Evan. (he told me)

    Tuesday, June 15, 2010

    Evan Goes BANANAS!

    Yesterday morning as I was in the kitchen getting ready for a "Mommies Gone Wild" play date, Evan asked me for a banana. I didn't think twice about it...he eats at least 2 bananas a day, more if I would let him.
    He quickly starts to eat it while walking back to his room to play.
    I'm then standing at the sink cutting up some strawberries and Evan hands me one of his "Thomas and Friends" trains and says,  "Mommy, wash it". I take the train and notice that it's totally covered in mushed banana!!!
    Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!, I think to myself :) "Evan, where's the rest of the banana?", I say to him.
    He runs into his room and I follow.

    This is what I find...
    You are looking at 3 of Evan's "Thomas and Friends" Trains lined up in mushed banana.
    Evan even stuck the "Dole" banana sticker on top of Thomas.
    So, maybe I'm not your typical Mom, but my first reaction was to laugh and then run and get the camera to take a picture of this.
    No trains were harmed and everyone (and trains) involved received a bath afterwards.

    Shortly after the "Train Wreck" (sorry I had, our "Mommies Gone Wild" friends came over for some food and fun!
    We asked all our friends to bring over their favorite fruit to share. Evan and I provided strawberries, for 2 reasons. 1-They were on sale and 2-They are Evan's new favorite fruit. BUT the funny thing is, he doesn't call them Strawberries. He calls them blueberries.
    Anyways, we cut up all the fruit and made a really big fruit salad to share.
    It was the best fruit salad I have ever had!

    Except for some reason I didn't have an appetite for the bananas...I wonder why? :)

    Sunday, June 13, 2010

    A Little Taste of Camping

    Yesterday we drove to Sampson State Park to visit Dave's family for the day.
    They were there camping for the week. We would have joined them for the week, but with Connor only 2 months old, we agreed next year would be better.

    The trip was 1 hour and 20 minutes and we ended up getting there about noon. Evan slept the whole way there and Connor finally fell asleep the last 30 minutes.

    Evan loves to be outside. He had lots of fun filling up buckets with water and then filling up a blow up pool with it. Then when his cousins arrived, he had fun playing and splashing in the pool with them.

    Connor slept for most of the time we were there, but when he was awake he wasn't really a fan of the hot and humid weather.

    Well, that was our "little taste of camping" for this year, next year at this time will be a whole new experience with 2 boys...well 3...Dave too!

    Here is Evan later in the can tell he's getting "pooped".

    Daddy and Connor. (sorry that it's the back of Connor's head)

    *There is no pictures of, humid and Danielle just don't mix well :)

    Thursday, June 10, 2010

    "Ten Things" Thursday

    Here are 10 things that Evan said this week that I find funny!

    Evan: "I want a cookie"
    Mommy: "Do you deserve to have a cookie?"
    Evan: "NO!"

    Mommy: "Evan, are you going to be a good boy for Mommy?"
    Evan: "No Mommy No"

    Mommy: "Evan, can you give Connor a kiss?"
    Evan: "No, you no like it"

    Mommy: "Evan, how is your muffin?"
    Evan: "Delicious Mommy!"

    Mommy: "Evan, did you go poopy?"
    Evan: "Yes, mommy I did"

    Mommy: (I am singing in the car to the music on the radio)
    Evan: "STOP! Mommy STOP!!"

    Mommy: (I am going thru the drive-up bank teller)
    Evan: "French Fries!"

    Mommy: "I love Evan!"
    Evan: "I love Connor, I love Daddy"
    Mommy: "What about ME?"
    Evan: "I love ME"

    Mommy: (I was laughing at something funny)
    Evan: " Mommy, you pretty funny"

    Mommy: "No Evan, you are not bringing the measuring spoon and spatula to the mall"
    Evan: "Mommy I need it"
    Mommy: "For what?"
    Evan: "Cooking"

    Monday, June 7, 2010

    Connor is 2 Months Old (The Update)

    As I mentioned before, Connor had his 2 Month checkup last Wednesday and I still owe you his "stats".

    Connor is 12 pounds and 14 ounces. He is 23 inches long. (He is a little lighter and shorter than Evan was at 2 months)
    He is completely out of 3 month clothing and slowly getting into 6-9 months.

    Oh....did I mention the last 3 nights he has slept through the night!!! LOVE IT!

    Picture "Not So Perfect" Sunday

    Yesterday, we did something that I had been looking forward to since I found out I was pregnant with Connor...

    We got the boys pictures taken together!

    I have been excited for this for so long...I dreamed of Evan holding Connor in his arms and smiling so big. I dreamed of Connor looking right at the camera and maybe even getting a smile out of him too.


    Let's just say it was a memorable photo shot!
    Evan would not sit still, even with being offered fruit snacks and Connor started out happy, but then started crying.
    We managed to get 3 good poses, but we're going to have to try it again in a few months.

    Even though it's not what I hoped for...I still love them because it really shows their "true colors".

    Here is a "taste" of what we were dealing with!

    *Thanks Uncle Chris and Aunt Lindsay for the matching shirts*

    Sunday, June 6, 2010

    Where have we been?.......BUSY!!!

    Sorry for my lack of posting in the last week. We have been really busy lately.
    Let's see...I'll start "recaping" from last Thursday.

    Thursday, Evan and I made cupcakes for Daddy to bring into work. Evan is really into helping me bake lately, so I have been baking more than usual. Dave and Evan are loving all the sweets, but my waistline isn't!

    Here are pictures of Evan mixing the batter.

    He needs to sample everything he makes too :)

    Friday was National Donut Day and what better way to celebrate...Dunkin Donuts and Friends!
    We got together with our "Mommies Gone Wild" friends and a few dozen donuts and had some fun in the backyard.

    In the picture above, I broke out some playdough that Evan had got for his birthday.
     Evan looks like a  "Vegas Dealer" passing out the "dough" to his friends.

    "Changing Playdough" :)

    Friday night, we went out to dinner for the first time as a family of 4.
    Everything went really well!
    Evan behaved himself and stayed busy with all the crayons and activites that I brought with us. As for Connor, he slept the entire time, but decided to wake up as soon as I got my dinner...figures, right?

    Saturday morning, we had  A TON of errands to run and then had a birthday party to go to in the late afternoon.

    (I forgot to take pictures on this day)