Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Welcome Connor David!

Born: March 30 at 2:03 pm
Weight: 8 lbs 11 ozs
Length: 21 inches

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Daddy's Birthday!

Happy 27th Birthday Daddy/Dave!

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Memory Lane" Monday

With Easter just a few days away...I thought that this would help get everyone in the sprit!
Evan was about 10 months old in this picture, it seems like it was just yesterday though.

Friday, March 26, 2010

See More Ducks?

Last night after dinner, we decided to go feed the ducks down by the lake.
Evan (and Daddy) LOVE to feed the duckies and the seagulls too.
It was a little chilly down by the lake, so we weren't there long, but long enough for Evan to get "bit" by a goose. Evan apparently wasn't throwing the bread fast enough for this particular goose and helped himself to Evan's piece of bread and finger :(
Evan didn't cry, but it scared him a little. 

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Uneventful Doctor's Appointment

Today I had what I thought would be my last OB appointment EVER, but NOPE.
They still want to see me on Monday.

I had a Non-stress test and the baby is fine and healthy. He kept falling asleep during it, so the nurse had me eat some crackers and juice to get him going. Then he fell asleep again, so we called it a day with that.
After the NST, I had my first Ultrasound since my 20 week appoinment. I was very excited for it because I wanted to know what the baby weighed. I have had a feeling the whole pregnancy that this baby was going to be smaller than Evan...I was right.
Baby is weighing in at 7 pounds 8 ounces, but he still has 4 more days of "baking".

Looks like baby isn't going to be making his debut until Tuesday, but you never know :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Toddler + 2 Hour Doctor's Appt = ?

Yesterday, Evan had the pleasure of joining me at a very long doctor's appointment.
For the most part, he did pretty good.
We started out by giving a urine sample and of course with Evan in there with me, he had to give a "play by play" of everything I was doing.
"Mommy potty","Mommy flush", "Mommy wash hands"...just to name a few.
During my Non-stress test, he was very interested in the baby's heartbeat.
Every time he heard it he would say, "Mommy, what's that?"
I won't lie, after 45 minutes of was a little annoying :)
After that we had to see the doctor, well after we waited in the room for 15 minutes for her.
Then it's always fun getting checked internally in front of your 2 year old....thank god he will never remember it!! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

"Memory Lane" Monday

Such a cute picture of Evan!

I love it because he's wearing his "toy" rings like they're bracelets.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

More Nesting...

When I woke up this morning, I felt terrible. I could barely walk, let alone move.
But something came over me later this afternoon...
I got a burst of energy from I don't know where and went with it!

I cleaned more baby toys, cleaned the car seat and put it in the car. I did wash, changed sheets, dusted, vaccumed, name it, I did it.

I feel GREAT that I got so much done today, but I am POOPED now.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Stool Cool

Today, Evan and I left the house early to meet our friends Jen and Gavin to say "So Long" (as Great-Grandma Mabel would say).
Our friends are moving out of state on Monday and we are very sad about it.
We plan on staying in touch with them through emails, snail mail and texting.
Evan and I will miss you guys!!!
Best of Luck Jen, Jarrod and Gavin!

While we were gone, Daddy had the house to what did he do?
Cleaned his "Man Room". It has been a mess for a long time, so when Evan and I got home, Dave was excited to show us his progress.
Evan was excited to be in Daddy's room with all the computer stuff, but he really enjoyed sitting on the stool, like a big boy.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy St. Paddy's Day Yesterday!

Yesterday we had our "Mommies Gone Wild" St. Paddy's Day Party at our friend's house.
We enjoyed some playtime and snack time in the house first, then we wandered outside to enjoy the beautiful weather.
Evan had a blast pulling the wagon around. He even pulled some of the other kids around in it all by himself.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Evan Is?

Last night before Dave and I went to bed, I did a last check on Evan.
Well....when I looked in his room while standing in the doorway, it didn't looke like he was in the bed!
I freaked! I called to Dave, who ran in.
We thought maybe he was in the closet or under the train table or just hiding.
He was in his bed the whole the end, curled up in the corner near the wall.

*If you look in the picture, you can almost see him :)

Monday, March 15, 2010

"Memory Lane" Monday

Evan use to LOVE to take baths in the kitchen sink.
 I was so sad when he was too big for his tub.

But I am getting very excited knowing that in just a few short weeks....I get to use it AGAIN!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Busy Weekend

This weekend was pretty busy for us.
We started Saturday off by going to our favorite Chinese Restaurant for lunch. As we sat there and ate all I kept thinking about was this was going to be our last time going to lunch just the 3 of us. Bittersweet!
Evan LOVES Chinese food as much as Dave and I do. He ate everything that we had.
After we left there, Evan fell asleep in the car, so Dave and I took turns running different errands.
We ended the day by going to Target and Wegmans and stocking up on as much stuff as we can before the baby arrives.
Today, we started off the morning trying to get use to the time change!
We cleaned and organized around the house. I washed all of Evan's and the Baby's toys. I even had the energy to do some wash too!
I also double checked all the hosital bags....READY TO GO!!!
I plan on ending the night with some ironing.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Last Dance...

Remember 2 weeks ago (my birthday) and I spent it in the hospital?
Well, we decided to try to go out last night to celebrate my birthday (finally) and have one last "date night" before kiddo #2 arrives.
We went out for a nice dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, just Dave and me.
Uncle Chris and Aunt Lindsay watched Evan for us (Thanks!). request here is hopefully the last pregnant picture ever taken of me!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Shop Till You Drop

Today we met our "Mommies Gone Wild" friends at the mall for some shopping and a walk.
I am trying to walk at least every day...for the exercise and to help get this baby out!
We stopped in one of the toy stores inside the mall to let the kids have some fun.
Evan seemed to just want to keep shopping...he must take after Mommy :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Evan's 2 Year Old Checkup

Yesterday was Evan’s 2 year old check up. It went GREAT!!!

Evan is now 32 pounds and is slightly under 36 inches. He is in the highest percentile for height.
He’s going to be tall like his mommy and daddy!

The doctor was very impressed with Evan. Especially that he knows his alphabet, numbers and has such a huge vocabulary for being only 2! Also that he’s been doing a great job with his toddler bed, potty training and eating so well.
It's such a great feeling as a mommy hearing this from the doctor!!!

Evan had to get a shot and lead test at the end, which he wasn’t too happy with. After he received the shot and the nurse walked out, Evan turned to me and said, “Mommy, go bye-bye now”.

*As we were leaving the Doctor's office ...I thought to myself...the next time I come here, I'll have 2 kids in tow :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

"Memory Lane" Monday

This was Evan's first day home.
He was 3 days old.

I wish he would still snuggle me like that :(

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Too Much to Drink?

I feel like I always put pictures of Evan sleeping in his car seat, but Dave and I thought this one was extra funny.

Dave took this picture today when we were out running errands.
As you can see... Evan did a "little too much" partying on his birthday weekend!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Evan!!!!!

Today is Evan's 2nd Birthday! Dave and I can't believe that he's 2!!!
Holy Cow....where has the time gone????
Evan is an amazing little boy and we are very proud of him!

Our "birthday plans" for the day...
We going to start off with breakfast followed by a bubble bath (Evan, not me).
Then we're going to meet all our "Mommies Gone Wild" friends at "The Sandbox" for an hour or so of play time.
Next, we'll go to Evan's favorite store...Wegmans to get something for lunch and a cake for tonight.
Then when Daddy gets home from work...Chuck E. Cheese here we come!

2 years ago today...Evan was only a few hours old.

1 year ago today.

Evan today!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Snakes in the Library?

Last night the library around the corner from us hosted a free reptile show.
Of course Evan and Dave were eager to so much! But I didn't want to be a "party pooper".
"The Reptile Guys" would tell us about all the animals and then bring them around for each of us to touch.
We didn't stay for the whole show, but it seems like Evan has mommy's love for reptiles....NONE :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How Daddy unwinds after work...

playing with Evan, of course!

Both Daddy and Evan had a busy day....
Daddy had work and Evan had a play date...what a life :)

After we eat dinner, I usually clean up the kitchen and Dave gives Evan a bath.
The bath is then followed by playing and "clowning around" with Daddy until bedtime!
I love to sit back and watch "my boys"!

Monday, March 1, 2010

"Memory Lane" Monday

One of my favorite bath time pictures!
Evan was about 6 months old in this picture.
He loved taking baths in his blowup rubber ducky.
It was a sad day when he grew out of it,
but pretty soon it will make another appearance for the new baby!