Sunday, June 6, 2010

Where have we been?.......BUSY!!!

Sorry for my lack of posting in the last week. We have been really busy lately.
Let's see...I'll start "recaping" from last Thursday.

Thursday, Evan and I made cupcakes for Daddy to bring into work. Evan is really into helping me bake lately, so I have been baking more than usual. Dave and Evan are loving all the sweets, but my waistline isn't!

Here are pictures of Evan mixing the batter.

He needs to sample everything he makes too :)

Friday was National Donut Day and what better way to celebrate...Dunkin Donuts and Friends!
We got together with our "Mommies Gone Wild" friends and a few dozen donuts and had some fun in the backyard.

In the picture above, I broke out some playdough that Evan had got for his birthday.
 Evan looks like a  "Vegas Dealer" passing out the "dough" to his friends.

"Changing Playdough" :)

Friday night, we went out to dinner for the first time as a family of 4.
Everything went really well!
Evan behaved himself and stayed busy with all the crayons and activites that I brought with us. As for Connor, he slept the entire time, but decided to wake up as soon as I got my dinner...figures, right?

Saturday morning, we had  A TON of errands to run and then had a birthday party to go to in the late afternoon.

(I forgot to take pictures on this day)

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