Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mommy FINALLY Won Something!!!!

Don't get too excited...it's not the lottery!
But I am excited to say that I won a children's bike helmet and an adult ticket to Darien Lake from a local news station!!!
Dave has been bugging me for a while to start entering any contest that I can to try to win something.
A few months ago, he won some pretty cool things including a $300 cell phone and Xbox games!
I don't usually consider myself to be a lucky person at all, but I am lucky to have 2 handsome and healthy kiddos and a great husband!! :)
Anyways, so a few weeks ago I was watching the news and they mentioned this contest during the show. So as I was feeding Connor with one hand, I got on my laptop with the other and entered it..."what the heck", I thought.


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