Thursday, December 23, 2010

Seeing Santa...

Monday afternoon we took the boys to the mall to see Santa Claus.
I have been super excited about this for weeks hopes that Evan will actually sit on Santa's lap this year.
I kept asking him the last few days, "Who are we going to be seeing soon?" and "What are you going to ask Santa for?" He'd always answer me, "SANTA!" and "CARS AND COOKIES!" and act all excited. So I had really high hopes...
Well, let's just say that Connor had no problem sitting on Santa's lap!
So cute....but boy we gotta do something with that hair!!
Evan on the other hand....wouldn't even go near the jolly old elf....BUMMER!
Oh well...we will try again next year.
The boys after the "Santa Experience". (I can never get everyone to look at the camera)

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