Holy Cow!....4 months ago I had Connor!!!
He is growing up so fast and doing so much more. I feel like these months are going by so much faster this time around then with Evan....probably because I have two kiddos this time!
I won't know his current stats until another week, so I can't tell you those, but I will update when I know.
SO...what's Connor up to?...Connor is still sleeping AWESOME!!! He still goes to sleep now about 9PM and wakes up around 630AM. Sometimes he will sleep later than Evan! This weekend we are finally going to put him in the crib at night to sleep :( It's bittersweet...happy to have my room back and sad that he's growing up. As far as naps...not so good right now, but we are working on it.
He loves holding onto rattles and burp cloths, just like Evan did. He is starting to put everything he picks up into his mouth too. He laughs and smiles all the time...a very happy baby. He still loves his swing and playmat on the floor.
He's still not a fan of car rides, but he's liking his baths so much more now!