Yesterday, Evan had the pleasure of joining me at a very long doctor's appointment.
For the most part, he did pretty good.
We started out by giving a urine sample and of course with Evan in there with me, he had to give a "play by play" of everything I was doing.
"Mommy potty","Mommy flush", "Mommy wash hands"...just to name a few.
During my Non-stress test, he was very interested in the baby's heartbeat.
Every time he heard it he would say, "Mommy, what's that?"
I won't lie, after 45 minutes of was a little annoying :)
After that we had to see the doctor, well after we waited in the room for 15 minutes for her.
Then it's always fun getting checked internally in front of your 2 year old....thank god he will never remember it!! :)